Your fence can go a long way toward protecting your pet. The last thing you want is for your pet to get loose because of an insufficient fence. There are many important considerations regarding the fence that is capable of providing adequate protection for your pets. Here are a few of the things that you need to keep in mind when you are attempting to choose a pet-friendly fence for your property.
The height of the fence is incredibly important, because many dogs can jump fairly high. You will want to consider how high your dog is capable of jumping. If you are unsure regarding this aspect, you should research the specific breed of your dog to determine how high your fence needs to be. A pet-friendly fence often requires a bare minimum of 4 feet of height in order to keep dogs securely within the property. However, certain types of dogs, specifically larger breeds may need a fence to be taller in order to provide optimal protection. Doing your research will help you to identify the height that your fence needs to reach to keep your dog inside of the property.
Spacing in a Pet-Friendly Fence
You will also need to consider the spacing of the fence when you want to obtain a pet-friendly fence. This is generally more of a concern for smaller dogs than larger ones, but it is important to measure. The spaces between pickets and gaps in the fence should never be wider than the head of your dog. You may need to measure to ensure that this is the case. If there are gaps that are wider than their head, they will likely be able to escape with relative ease.
Secure Gates
It is easy to overlook the gates of your property, especially when you have focused on creating a pet-friendly fence. However, the gates need to match the various requirements of the fence in order to ensure that they will securely keep your pet within the property. You need to ensure that the gate is securely attached and won’t be easy for your pet to push aside. You will also want to pay attention to the latch of your gate. A simple latch may be easy for particularly intelligent dogs to figure out, which may allow them to escape from your property.
Restrict Their View
It is extremely beneficial to obtain a solid fence that enhances the privacy around your property. When they are able to see everything going on outside of the property, they will be more tempted to escape from the property. When you provide a solid fence that cuts off their field of vision, you can help to take away the temptation that your pet experiences. This will help to reduce the likelihood of them wanting to get out of the yard.
Prevent Tunneling
Many fences can be tunneled under by a particularly ambitious pet. When you install your fencing with a layer of concrete at the bottom of the fence, going slightly underground, you may be able to prevent your pet from tunneling. After a few failed attempts, they will likely give up trying altogether. This will go a long way toward keeping your pet securely inside of your yard. Preventing tunneling can also help to minimize the chances of other animals finding their way into your yard.
Climb-Proof Fences
While most people don’t think of dogs as having the ability to climb, it is still important to ensure a climb-proof fence when you are implementing a pet-friendly fence. A determined dog may figure out how to scale the fence in order to chase the neighborhood cat it is after. This may mean that you should opt for fences like vinyl fences rather than chain link varieties that can be climbed. Fences that don’t have these handholds can help to prevent the escape of your pet.
It is important to ensure that you choose a fence that is extremely durable in order to reduce the possibility of issues. When a fence isn’t sufficiently strong, it will be easy for a pet to push boards out or otherwise creating gaps that they are able to escape from. When you focus on a strong, durable fence you will likely be able to eliminate these issues with your property. This will help to ensure that your fence will be much more secure. Increased durability regarding your fence will help to ensure a secure environment that will keep your pet within your property.
Work with a Professional Company
It is important to ensure that you have your pet-friendly fence installed by a professional. When you attempt to install the fence yourself, it is highly likely that you will miss details that can lead to substantial problems. An experienced, professional company can help to construct the best fence that will meet all of your specific requirements.
A pet-friendly fence is an important component of keeping your pet safely within your property. It is important to keep all of these considerations in mind in order to reduce the likelihood of your pet escaping from your property. You will also want to ensure that you keep the specific breed of your dog in mind in order to identify the appropriate dimensions for a fence that will meet your specific needs. To learn more about the various considerations that are important in choosing a pet-friendly fence, contact us at All Over Fence today!