What Type of Fencing Should You Install?

Planning to install new fencing, but not sure what fence material to choose? Exploring your options is easier with a local professional contractor โ€“ and most, including the team at All Over Fence, offer free consultations.

Many homeowners are surprised to find out just how many different fencing materials are available. Each has merits and drawbacks, so deciding on the right type of fence to install requires careful thought. For a starting point, take a look at the following popular options for residential properties.

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Wood Fencing

A natural wood fence is a classic choice, and homeowners prize the material for its beauty, style and versatility. Wood fencing can last for decades, but it requires regular maintenance and yearly staining or painting.

Composite Wood Fencing

Fencing made of composite wood, a blend of recycled materials including paper pulp and wood fiber, offers the look and feel of natural wood โ€“ but with much less maintenance. On the minus side, a composite wood fence can be costly.

Vinyl Fencing

With durability, longevity and a vast range of style options, low-maintenance vinyl fencing offers several advantages. However, for homeowners with tight budgets, installing a vinyl fence may not be the best choice.

Ornamental Iron Fencing

In terms of strength, security and durability, ornamental iron is one of the top fencing options. But the price for installation can be high, and an ornamental iron fence requires regular care and attention to prevent corrosion problems.

Aluminum Fencing

Aluminum is an affordable, low-maintenance fence material. Itโ€™s also quite versatile, available in a vast range of styles, designs and colors. Aluminum fencing can last a lifetime, but anyone looking for privacy and security may want to choose another option.

Chain Link Fencing

Compared to other fence materials, chain link is among the least expensive. Plus, itโ€™s durable and practically maintenance-free. However, thereโ€™s no denying that this type of fence has a more basic, utilitarian look and doesnโ€™t offer much security.

With all of the options, choosing the right type of fence to install is never an easy decision. Discussing your fence installation with a local professional contractor is really in your best interest, as an expert can come out to your property and help you select fencing that meets your needs and your budget.

If you live in the greater Salt Lake City area, make an appointment with the experts at All Over Fence. Our professional team has over 20 years of experience, and we can help you find the perfect fence for your northern Utah property.

For more information about All Over Fence, or to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our friendly fencing contractors, contact us today.


All Over Fence

Ourย EXPERIENCED, bonded, and insured fencing professionals are knowledgeable about affordable fencing solutions. All the fencing projects that we do are meticulously planned and done according to safety standards. You can assure that every fence project is completed on time and on the agreed budget. It is our goal to fulfill your needs and requirements which are why we work closely with you and ensure that your projects are done right.

As an established fencing company inย UTAH, we are always focused on customerย SATISFACTION. We buildย Vinyl Fence Railing, Composite Wood Fence, Wood Fence, Chain Link Fence, Ornamental Iron Fence, Aluminum Fence, Farm Fence, Barb Wire Fence, and do Hand Rail Fabrication.ย When it comes to improving the appearance of your home, ourย QUALITY FENCEย DESIGNSย and services are best to add security and value.

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